Demolition of Taj Mall set to kick-off this week after notice was issued by committee.

Nairobi Regeneration committee has approve the demolition of Taj Mall. The approval comes after a 14-day notice given to the development management. The notice is to demolish the building by a multi-sectoral committee on unsafe buildings. Meanwhile  the management of the property did not want to move.

Head of operations Julius Wanjau said “We are still doing South End Mall and we are hopeful to clear it before next week. He also said we have given the owners ample time to comply with the notice.”

The demolition process will kick-off  anytime within the week but we will communicate on the same. Meanwhile on the On August 16, a multi-sectoral committee on unsafe buildings gave the proprietor of the development Rameshchandra Govino Gorasia a 14-day notice. It was to bring down the six-floor building, said to be standing on a road reserve.

The main reason for the demolition is because the building is at the junction of Outer Ring Road. It has also encroached on the road reserve hindering its continual expansion.

Manager of the  multi-billion building Amos Mogire said that they do not recognize the notice. He claim that it had no letterhead, no LR number and no stamp.


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