Three women who worked at google just sued the company, claiming that female employees are paid less and forced into lower-tier positions.

The three plaintiffs are a former software engineer, a former communications specialist and a former manager. All three women resigned after experiencing what they claim was discriminatory corporate practices.

According to the suit, filed in a San Francisco court, Google is aware of the situation and has not made any effort to fix it.

The suit details instances in which the female plaintiffs were placed in position below their level of experience and below the level of equally experienced male hires and were denied promotions and corresponding pay raises. In one case, despite the fact that the female employee had successfully trained male employees to receive the same promotion.

”It is time to stop ignoring these issues in Tech,” said  Kelly Ellis, one of the women who filed the suit and a former software engineer at the company.

“Job levels and promotions are determined through rigorous hiring and promotion committees, and must pass multiple levels of review, including checks to make sure there is no gender bias in these decisions,” Google  spokesperson Gina Scigliano said in a statement.

Google said it would review the lawsuit but disagreed with the ”Central allegation”

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