Nigeria Society of Engineers omoku branch is holding a 3-day training on planning, design and modelling of water distribution/reticulation system using epanet. The objective of the training is to teach participants the basics in planning, designing and modelling of water demand and distribution using the software. Participant will learn the fundamentals of practical design approach.

The course is designed for professional researcher, civil engineers, project managers, water resource consultants, infrastructure consultant, project manager, water resource consultants, infrastructure consultants and young engineers active in the environmental and water sector. It is used especially for those involved in planning and management of infrastructure such as water supply system, urban design, telecommunication etc.

Epanet is a software that models drinking water distribution piping system. It performs extended period simulation of water movement and quality behaviour within the pressurized pipe networks of any size.

EPANET’s  fully equipped, extended-period hydraulic analysis package can do the following:

  • Simulate systems of any size
  • Compute friction head loss using the Hazen-Williams, the Darcy Weisbach, or the Chezy-Manning formula
  • Include minor head losses for bends, fittings, etc.
  • Model constant or variable speed pumps
  • Compute pumping energy and cost
  • Model various types of valves, including shutoff, check, pressure regulating, and flow control
  • Account for any shape storage tanks (i.e., surface area can vary with height)
  • Consider multiple demand categories at nodes, each with its own pattern of time variation
  • Model pressure-dependent flow issuing from sprinkler heads
  • Base system operation on simple tank level, timer controls or complex rule-based controls

EPANET’s water quality analyzer can be used for the following:

  • It model the movement of a non-reactive tracer material through the network over time
  • Model the movement and fate of a reactive material as it grows (e.g., a disinfection by-product) or decays (e.g., chlorine residual) over time
  • Model the age of water throughout a network
  • Track the percent of flow from a given node reaching all other nodes over time
  •  It helps model reactions both in the bulk flow and at the pipe wall.
  • Allow growth or decay reactions to proceed up to a limiting concentration
  • Employ global reaction rate coefficients that can be modified on a pipe-by-pipe basis
  • Allow for time-varying concentration or mass inputs at any location in the network
  • Model storage tanks as being complete mix, plug flow, or two-compartment reactors


EPANET helps water utilities maintain and improve the quality of water delivered to consumers. It can perform the following listed below

  • Design sampling programs
  • Study disinfectant loss and byproduct formations
  • Conduct consumer exposure assessments
  • Evaluate alternative strategies for improving water quality
  • Modify pumping and tank filling/emptying schedules to reduce water age
  • Use booster disinfection stations at key locations to maintain target residuals
  • Plan and improve a system’s hydraulic performance
  • Assist with pipe, pump, and valve placement and sizing
  • Energy minimization
  • Fire flow analysis
  • Vulnerability studies
  • Operator training

Date: 28th -30th March 2018.

Venue: Burnsley Tech Academy, 4 Graceland Avenue, GRA phase II, Tombia Extension, Port-Harcourt.

Time 9am-4pm daily.


For more information, go through the following article on GambetaNews.

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