We know that concrete is the most widely used materials in the construction Industry. It is so vital because it improves the aesthetic value of your building. It also make it more appealing to your clients and the end users. Concrete is the most sustainable building material that you can use to enhance the strength of your building.

So this article will help you understand and prevent cracks form occurring in your concrete. Below are the various items that i feel has contributed to cracks in concrete.

  1. Excess water in the mix: This aspect is very vitals because concrete does not need much water to get strength. It require only limit water for it to get its maximum strength of concrete. The bottom line is a low water to cement ratio is the number one issue affecting concrete quality and excess water reduces this ratio.
  2. Fast Drying of Concrete: It is very important that the concrete is free from drying fast. If the concrete dry fast it will increase the possibility of cracking. It is important that the chemical reaction continues to occur for days and weeks after you pour the concrete.
  3. Improper compaction of concrete: It is vital that before we place the concrete, that it must be well compact. The compaction help increase the strength of the concrete and also prevent cracking. It is good that we know the type of strength needed for that particular concrete because concrete comes in different strength.
  4. Lack of control joints: Control joint in concrete helps you control cracks. The joint be from the depth of the slab and should not be more than 2-3 times in thickness.
  5. Temperature Variation: Temperature also cause crack in concrete especially when it is high in afternoons.

In Summary, the majority of cracks occur within 2-3 days after concrete has been placed. So it is important that preventive measure are put in place to reduce it.

The following are some preventive measures which includes;

  • See that the subgrade is well-compacted.
  • Check that the formwork is firm.
  • Ensure that the subgrade and formwork are moist before pouring.
  • Do not add water to ready-mixed concrete in placing.
  • Compact low-slump mixes well.
  • Cut sufficient contraction joints to allow for shrinkage.
  • Provide expansion joints where necessary.
  • Start curing as soon as possible.
  • Maintain proper curing for an adequate period.


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