Ethiopian Prime Minister agrees to peace terms in other to foster growth between both countries.

The new Prime minister of Ethiopia has accepted the terms of agreement for peace between them and Eritrea. The motion is to calm the tension that has been going on for years between both countries.

The war between both countries lasted for two years and has claimed the lives of thousands. The peace agreement signed in 2000 ended the war but a no-peace-no-war situation continued. Ethiopia had refused to accept the deal’s handing of key locations, including Badme, to Eritrea and continues to control that town.

Hence, the prospect  with reclusive Eritrea that comes as the latest, and largest, surprise.

Along with this development, is the motion to privatize certain sectors of the economy like energy, aviation and telecom.

Ethiopia has one of the fastest growing economy in Africa and the new prime minister has promised to reform the nation after two years of deadly anti-government protest.

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