Rwanda Government is considering creating a database for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and biometric data for all Rwandans

Rwanda is making plan to introduce DNA Database to its citizens. This is after Minister for Justice and Attorney General, Johnston Busingye disclosed the information during the ‘Justice Week’ in kigali.

The aim of the database will be to facilitate pinning criminals, especially in rape, defilement and murder cases. Meanwhile, the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) will also have biometric data for all Rwandans.

In some areas, criminal investigation is sometimes delayed by testing the DNA of several suspects before coming to the real culprit. These will help in solving this problem according to Jeannot Ruhunga, the Secretary General of Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB).

Attorney General, Johnston Busingye said “We think we have the technical basis now to launch into the development of a DNA database. He also said we will examine global best practice on the issue, propose appropriate law and implement accordingly.”

Rwanda is seriously investing in forensic science to ultimately cub crime by forensic evidence that proves beyond doubt who is who in a crime. While, the minister did not specify any timeline, he said some steps must be in place. This steps are securing the financial resources and seeking legislation through parliament.

Dr Jean Nyirinkwaya said “It is something that requires debate before implementation. The government should give people time to think about what it would mean for them.”


Globally, no country has managed to get DNA tests of its entire population. As there are still debate regarding privacy of people especially when it comes to collecting and processing DNA data. People generally get scared about how the data will be used, shared and retained.

The Rwanda Forensic Laboratory is the only lab that  has the capacity to conduct DNA tests in the country. The lab since its establishment has carried-out more than 400 DNA tests for crime investigations or families seeking to verify the real parents of their children.

The payment for a DNA test for two parents and a child currently stands at Rwf257,032 (US$284.96) in Rwanda Forensic Laboratory.


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