Marketing Director of Nigeria Breweries, NB Plc, Franco Maria Maggi reassures devotion to customers satisfaction.

Marketing Director of Nigeria Breweries, NB Plc, Franco Maria Maggi, has said that “the company will carry on with its high quality standard and customer satisfaction strategy. Our quality brands speak for themselves and this is why we are very optimistic about the acceptance this brand will receive on its arrival to the Nigerian market. It is unique, different and offers the best in quality.”He said this at the unveiling of Stella Lager beer.

Franco Maria further said, “There is no better time to innovate than now. Many of our other unique products arrived on the scene in the presence of predecessors, but still found their place and market and owned them. For Stella Lager Beer, I am confident that this will be no exception. Unconventional in its recipe, brewing process and taste, Stella Lager Beer is unique for its name, its great quality and its rich heritage. It delivers a refined and consistently smooth lager taste with intense refreshment and is the preferred choice for upwardly mobile, knowledgeable and confident young men with a genuine sense of self in a world buzzing with many loud and conflicting voices.”

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