Can you imagine eating in a restaurant without physically seeing any staff ?

Now that’s hilarious but Guess What! there are more than 300 restaurants  in Japan ”the land of rising sun” where you can do that.

These restaurants use a noiseless and vibration free conveying belt system that can serve about 196 customers at a time.
It has no more than 15 kitchen staff and there are no chefs as every thing is automated providing high quality and low price. These restaurants can serve up to 20,000 plates of sushi a day and a plastic plate is used to cover the sushi to keep it fresh when on the conveyor belt.

Ordering is done on a touch screen and is delivered on a high speed lane straight to the table. When anyone enters the restaurant the time, the number of persons, what they eat and when they eat it is automatically recorded. The plates carry an eye seeing chip on them to track when it is taken.

When a customer is done eating, a handheld device is used to pass over the plates and it automatically works out the total price for the food within a flash and in perfect accuracy.

When done with the dishes you put them into a slot that runs under the regular conveyor belt, and it carries the plate from the table directly to the dish washing station. The dish washing machine washes over 1800 plates per hour. The washed plates are then sent to the food preparation area on a conveyor belt in the kitchen zone and then the process starts again.

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