Angola government to spend US$120 million for projects so as to boost it economy in the region of Africa.

Angola Government is making plans to invest fund into three different projects. The projects are the renovation of three turbines, rehabilitation of the Matala Electric Dam substation and electrification. Furthermore, the project will also help the various area that is currently having challenges like the province of Huila.

Minister for Energy and Water, João Baptista Borges said ”The rehabilitation of the substation obeys two components. He also said the first one is the body of all physical infrastructures due to cracks and needs repair.”

The minister during a visit to the province of Huila made the remark and has said he will also help access the area. He said it is part of plans to access the functioning of his sector.

The government is to invest a total sum of US$120 million for the project. The project is also been giving to a Canadian company which will be responsible for every work and procedures.


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