Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) plans to put up new hotel building in the Nairobi National Park has not been accepted by conservationist. This comes after the new 10-year management plan for the Nairobi National Park was announced.

According to the plan, KWS will construct an eco-lodge, a high-end restaurant and an amphitheatre which could threaten the park. While, plans to fence the park was cited after numerous cases of human-widelife conflits as well as increasing amounts of unpaid bills for human-wildlife compensations.

In an interview with Kenya local newspaper, the Nation, several activists condemn the proposed plans. Some say the new plans go against the National Wildlife Strategy goals. Other say the construction of the structures inside the park will reduce wildlife habitats space thus threatening wildlife green spaces.

Nairobi National Park established more than 70years ago is East Africa oldest national parks. It is also the oldest park in the world located within a capital city. 


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