Affordable housing unit project on track as LLA kick-off process for securing lands in Liberia

Liberia Land Authority (LLA) is set to acquire about three-hundred acres of land in Liberia. This process is in fulfillment of the Government Of Liberia project. Meanwhile, the project is to build low cost affordable housing units for Liberian.

The aim of getting the land is part of a Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development. Meanwhile the project will help develop affordable homes for citizen in both the urban and rural communities.

The project is also part of President George Weah’s Local Housing Programs for each of Liberia’s fifteen political subdivisions. Meanwhile, project will also enable National Housing Authority (NHA) undertake the housing project across the country. Furthermore, the project will be in an orderly manner which is in keeping with international standard.

According to a officials of LLA, its technical staffs and Land Use and Management Department, along with relevant stakeholders, have been collecting historical data. They have also been verifying sites to secure public land for the project.

Different land has been identify for the propose project. This places includes, Bentol City, Brewerville Township and Montserrado County.


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