The mystery of the 250-ton boulder  has defied gravity for over 1,300 years (but hasn’t stopped daredevil tourists posing under it)

Also known as Krishna’s  Butter Ball or Vaanirai Ka, this magnificent wonder is located in south India bearing 45 degree slope. Some Believe it was placed there by gods.

While Some  believe it was placed by aliens.

But the geologist has it that it is just a natural formation.  It is known in south india as the stone of the sky God. The 20ft rock appears to defy gravity, looking like it’s going to roll at any moment .  It has been sitting on a 45-degree slope in Mahabalipuram for over 1,300 years.

Krishna’s Butterball also known as Vaan Irai Kal is a gigantic granite boulder resting on a short incline in the historical town of Mahabalipuram in Tamil Nadu, India.

Krishna's butter ball at Mahabalipuram.

it boulder is  bigger and heavier than the  stones of  Peru.  Some might be asking were this name came out from. Well, According to Hindu mythology, the god Krishna, as a child, was fond of eating butter, and would often steal handfuls of that food from his mother’s butter jar. As the giant boulder at Mahabalipuram looked like a dollop of butter that the god had dropped, it was conveniently given the name Krishna’s Butter Ball.  It has ever since become a good tourist center especially for those who  have passion for tourism . Believe Me this will be a good place for taking picture especially for those who are photogenic.

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